Monday 28 April 2014

Adobe After Effects Cs6

A newer version of Adobe After Effects CS6 is available.

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Saturday 26 April 2014

Adobe Flash Player 11 9 900 170 Final

Improved to give the best the Internet has to offer, Adobe Flash Player 11 shows a quantum leap in performance over previous versions. It has a number of new features designed to take full advantage of the newer 64-bit browsers and operating systems available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. This makes it a more effective tool for Web developers and anyone who enjoys media-rich applications or sites like YouTube. However, with the improvement come a few headaches that users of certain browsers may encounter.

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Thursday 24 April 2014

Adobe Premiere 6.5

Adobe Premiere Pro is a timeline-based video editing software application. It is part of the Adobe Creative Suite, a suite of graphic design, video editing and web development programs.

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Swish Max 3

SWiSH Max has everything you need to create stunning fully interactive Flash animations. You can create shapes, text, buttons, movie clips, and motion paths. You can also include more than 230 ready-to-use animated effects including explode, vortex, 3D spin, and wave. You can create your own effects or make an interactive movie by adding actions to objects. A scripting language allows you to program sophisticated operations into your animations. You can preview your animation inside SWiSH Max without launching a browser or external player, and live editing lets you make changes while the animation is playing. SWiSH Max creates all the files you need to upload to your Web server, or you can generate the HTML code to paste into an existing Web page.

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uTorrent is a powerful and efficient BitTorrent client. Most of the features present in other BitTorrent clients are present in uTorrent, including bandwidth prioritization, scheduling, RSS auto-downloading, and Mainline DHT. Additionally, uTorrent supports the protocol encryption joint specification and peer exchange. Unlike many torrent clients, it does not hog valuable system resources--typically using less than 6MB of memory, allowing you to use the computer as if it weren't there at all.

Corel VideoStudio Pro x6

The latest release of Corel Studio focuses on building up its consumer-level video-editing and production suite. Version X6 of VideoStudio is essentially Corel's response to the rise of HD content on affordable consumer gadgets. Corel has diligently kept up with consumers' pace when it comes to supporting such file types.
Using VideoStudio Pro as a primary editing program was a mixed bag; as someone who frequently produces videos on both a casual and professional basis, I had trouble envisioning the audience that Corel is targeting with VideoStudio. But first let's cover the core features.

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BluffTitler DX9

BluffTitler DX9 is a real time 3D video tilter. The result can be played in realtime or exported as a movie file for further processing in DVD authoring tools. Special effects include: reflection mapping, light beams, beveled borders, looping plasma effects, real time shadows, EPS import, particle effects, bump mapping, RSS news feed import, vertex and pixel shader effects, spinning globe, waving flag, blob rendering, and MPEG or Flash video textures.


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